Where are we in the change process?

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What happens next?

  • The Hearings Phase - Scheduling and Attending Hearings

Hearing Stream 1: Monday 4 November 2024 - Friday 8 November 2024

There is an opportunity for the following persons to attend a hearing

    • Any person who has submitted on a point covered in the hearing
    • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest
    • Any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has
    • The local authority itself

For more information, please visit our NRP PC1 Consultation - Submissions page.

Proposed Change 1 (PDF 53 MB) to the Natural Resources Plan for the Wellington Region (Proposed Change 1) focusses on: 

Proposed Change 1 includes implementation of some regulatory and non-regulatory recommendations from Te Awarua-o-Porirua (TAoP) and Te Whanganui-a-Tara (TWT) Implementation Programmes, and other regulatory amendments to the NRP.

The Whaitua Implementation Programme amendments focus on the achievement of the proposed objectives for TAoP and TWT, and managing key activities to control their impacts on water quality and ecological health, including:

  • Existing stormwater discharges
  • Stormwater discharges from new urban development and redevelopment
  • Wastewater discharges
  • Sediment from land disturbance activities such as earthworks, plantation forestry, vegetation clearance and pastoral farming
  • Discharges of nutrients and microbial pathogens from rural land uses
  • Water allocation (TAoP only)

Other regulatory amendments include:

  • Amendments to the air quality rules,
  • Amendments to the beds of lakes and rivers rules, and
  • New sites with significant biodiversity values.


Proposed Change 1 documentation can also be viewed in person at:

  • Greater Wellington Regional Council – Wellington Office, 100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council – Masterton Office, 34 Chapel Street, Masterton
  • Public libraries throughout the region

The process for preparing Proposed Plan Change 1

Greater Wellington is satisfied that part of Proposed Change 1 to the Natural Resources Plan is a ‘freshwater planning instrument’ and therefore subject to the freshwater planning process under Section 80A and Part 4 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Proposed Change 1 to the Natural Resources Plan document identifies the new or amended provisions that form part of the ‘freshwater planning instrument’ using a freshwater symbol as follows:
The provisions that are part of the 'freshwater planning instrument' either give effect to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) with respect to freshwater quality or quantity, or otherwise relate directly to matters which impact freshwater quality or quantity. Amended or proposed Regional Coastal Plan provisions cannot be part of a freshwater planning instrument. The Section 32 report (PDF 4.6 MB) justifies why each provision is part of the freshwater planning instrument.

The remaining Proposed Change 1 provisions that are not part of a 'freshwater planning instrument', that is, those provisions that are not identified by the freshwater symbol, will proceed through the standard process for preparing a regional plan change under Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the RMA.


More information

Find out more about our wider plan change work programme.

If you have further questions, please contact the Environmental Policy team at regionalplan@gw.govt.nz 

Updated November 28, 2024 at 2:25 PM

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0800 496 734