Proposed Natural Resources Plan Information in letterboxes

  • Published Date 22 Jul 2015

Residents of the Wellington Region will soon receive a four page mail-out advising them about the Proposed Natural Resources Plan and the submission process.

The new plan which will be notified and open for submissions from Friday 31 July sets out rules and guidelines for using and protecting natural resources in the region.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair, and Co-Chair (with Te Waari Carkeek) of Te Upoko Taiao - Natural Resource Management Committee, Chris Laidlaw says the plan is critical to maintaining ecological, economic, cultural and social balance in the region in the future.

"We have to protect our valuable air, land, freshwater and coastal resources for future generations while still ensuring economic growth is sustained and the things we value about our region are available to us.

"This plan represents a turning point in the relationship that we in this region have with our natural capital. It contains rules and guidelines for the use of natural resources and regulations for human activity that has impact on the environment. The plan will have far reaching effects so it's important that everyone receives notice and is given a chance to comment on it," Councillor Laidlaw says.

The mail-out, which will be delivered to all NZ Post addresses in the Wellington Region between 27 and 31 July, explains the submission process and includes a list of activities regulated by the plan, a copy of the formal notice and a submission form. Advice on how to view the plan or get a copy is also provided as well as a contact for further information.

"The plan is a complex document and there are legal considerations and processes involved in its development and the communication around it. I encourage anyone who needs clarification or help understanding any part of the process to contact the council," Councillor Laidlaw says.

Rules in the Proposed Plan will have legal effect from the date of notification (31 July 2015). The submission period runs until 5.00 pm, Friday 25 September 2015. Anyone may make a submission.


Proposed Natural Resources Plan for the Wellington Region

 To view the Plan after 31 July

A copy of the Proposed Natural Resources Plan for the Wellington Region and the Section 32 Reports will be available for public inspection during normal working hours at:

- The offices of the Greater Wellington Regional Council at Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay, Pipitea, Wellington and 34 Chapel Street, Masterton

- The head offices of the District and City Councils in the Wellington Region

- All public libraries in the Wellington Region, or

- Can be viewed and downloaded from the Greater Wellington Regional Council website

- Obtained free on USB by contacting the Hearings Officer on 04 384 5708 / 0800496734 or by emailing

- Paper copies are available from the offices of the Greater Wellington Regional Council

Information: Please contact the Hearings Officer on 04 384 5708 / 0800 496 734 or if you have any questions.



Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:50 AM

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