Regional Council encourages people to have their say

  • Published Date 24 Apr 2019

Consultation on Greater Wellington Regional Council's proposed rating change in the Revenue and Financing Policy and Annual Plan 2019/20 is now open for submissions.

The 2019/20 regional rates increase equates to an average of 5.9 per cent, as forecast in the Long Term Plan 2018-28.

Over the past year property values rose faster in some parts of the region than others, and these spikes mean those districts have an increased share of regional rates compared with other districts. 

Greater Wellington Chair Chris Laidlaw says this needed to be taken into consideration when setting rates for the next financial year.

"For Wellington City, the combination of rising property valuations and the total value of residential properties in proportion to the total value of CBD business property has an effect of increasing residential rates."

Council is proposing a change to how the general rate is allocated between property types in Wellington City.

The proposal is that a differential be applied on the general rate within Wellington City to re-balance the proportions paid by business and residential properties.

"To do this, we need to make a specific amendment to our Revenue and Financing Policy, which outlines funding sources including regional rates."

Cr Laidlaw says this will have a flow-on change to Greater Wellington's rating Funding Impact Statement in the Long Term Plan 2018-28, which is why the change is being consulted on in the Annual Plan 2019/20.

The work programme for 2019/20 is aligned to year two of the Long Term Plan 2018-28, Cr Laidlaw says.

"We're staying on track to do the work we planned to do for this year, but we want to ensure how rates are allocated is fair and equitable. We are consulting on a proposed change and want to hear what the public has to say."

Consultation on this proposed rating change is open until 5pm on 24 May and public hearings will be held on Friday 7 June.

For more information and to make an online submission visit

Updated April 28, 2022 at 9:48 AM

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