Technical Note 1: Data Collection
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The technical note is part of a series documenting the 2013 update of the Wellington Transport Models, which are maintained by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC).
The transport models include the Wellington Transport Strategy Model (WTSM), which is a four stage model developed in 2001 and updated in 2006 and then again in 2011, as well as the Wellington Public Transport Model (WPTM) which is a more detailed public transport route choice model developed in 2011. It is worth noting that the 2011 update had to rely on estimated input land use as the National Census was delayed until 2013 due to the Canterbury earthquakes.
This note documents the collation and processing of the following observational data:
- Traffic counts on screenlines, by vehicle type, direction and time period;
- Vehicle travel times; and
- Inner city cordon count