LGOIMA Response to Request 2022-063 28 June 2022

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LGOIMA Response to Request 2022-063 28 June 2022 preview
  • Published Date Tue 28 Jun 2022
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“Can I please get the total cost to council resources to deal with issues of fly-tipping in the region? (including cleaning rubbish from Hutt River if that is usually separated out)

Can it please be broken down month-by-month, covering the past 12 months.

Can it also please specify the number of callouts/incidents of fly-tipping in the region per month.”

Clarification of the request was sought on 25 May with your clarification received on 2 June and noted as follows:

  • Re: type of costs, I’m hoping to get costs for the entre process of dealing with fly-tipping incidents. So ideally disposal costs, and if it’s possible to include hours and associated costs that’d be a bonus.
  • Time frame – 12 months from the initial request is great.
  • Type of waste – any/all waste that leads to GWRC resources being deployed to deal with, be it commercial/domestic. If it’s easy enough to distinguish between both then great, otherwise treating it as a whole is fine.
  • Location – just Hutt Valley area.
Updated June 29, 2022 at 10:18 AM