LGOIMA Response to Request 2022-112 23 August 2022
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Request for information:
“1. Looking at the wider Naenae town centre and accessibility to and from Naenae train station, did officials consider building an overpass from the train station to the town centre? If not, what were the reasons they chose not to progress this? Could this be a future option? Does GW believe that the existing station layout is appropriately designed for people with accessibility issues (i.e. use a wheelchair, crutches, walking sticks etc.)
- What is the budget for the proposed Naenae train station upgrade?
- Is there a program of works to improve the train stations along the Hutt Valley line, if, so what are the timeframes and the budget for each station?
- TOD at Waterloo Station, is there more information (financial/conceptual e.g.) about the proposal available (if publicly available, can you please refer to which documents). Are GWRC and its development partners looking at TOD opportunities at other stations too, if so which ones?
- All council briefings/papers etc. that discuss pricing at park and rides.”