LGOIMA response to request 2022-115 15 August 2022

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LGOIMA response to request 2022-115 15 August 2022 preview
  • Published Date Mon 15 Aug 2022
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Request for information

  1. “Does GW have any baseline hydrological (water levels) and/or water quality monitoring related to the Taupō Swamp and stream? If so, where can we access this information?  If not then, how will GWRC be able to measure the impacts of the change of land use when the development of Plimmerton Farm begins, on Taupō swamp and Taupō stream?
  2. Has the weir in Taupō Swamp undergone a fish passage assessment? If so, please provide information on the findings of this assessment?  
  3. Does GW have plans to remedy fish passage at this weir if it has been identified as a barrier to fish passage?”
Updated October 5, 2022 at 1:39 PM