Response to LGOIMA request 2022-231 18 January 2023
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Request for information:
“1) Please provide a weekly breakdown of all service cancellations on the 1 Johnsonville West bus route (in both directions) from the start of the Bustrastophe started in 2019.
2) Please prove a weekly breakdown of on time performance for the 1JW service (in both directions) since the bustrastophe started in 2019
3) Please advise which services, on the 1 jw route, in the last 12 months have been loaded to the extent that they are unable to provide safe and comfortable transport for disabled people (in both directions from any stop).
4) Please advise what actions and verifiable future key performance indicators (including timeframe for implementation and how these will be monitored and enforced) will be set to resolve the issues which the above will highlight. Also, please advise how these will be publicly reported.
5) Please advise what interim measures Metlink (as the provider of this service) will put in place to help disabled people who have no other transport options and are afraid to leave the house because they do not know when a bus service will be available to allow them to return.”
“Can I also please request that you provide the you number (across the entire network) of reported incidents of abuse and / or assault towards a driver that was instigated by a service failure. Eg Buses canceled, poor on time performance or insufficient capacity. If you can provide that information for the period since the bustrphhe in 2019 and also for the 3 years prior.”