Fine Scale Intertidal Monitoring of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour 2022
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Greater Wellington has been monitoring the health of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour for the last 14 years. This intertidal fine scale survey conducted in January 2022 assessed the response of the estuary to increased sediment mud content recorded in 2020 and re-evaluated estuarine health using sediment and macrofaunal indicators. Results at the four State of the Environment sites showed that except for a slight increase in mud in Pāuatahanui, there had been an improvement in the sediment quality and ecological condition of Porirua Harbour over the past year.
Reference: Forrest BM, Stevens LM, Roberts KL. 2023. Fine Scale Intertidal Monitoring of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour. Salt Ecology Report 094, prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, January 2023. 42p.
Author: Barrie Forrest, Leigh Stevens and Keryn Roberts. Salt Ecology