Queen Elizabeth Park ,Paekakariki - Rehabilitation of Native Forest Remnant
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The preparation of a long-term rehabilitation plan for the native forest
remnant in Queen Elizabeth Park provides the opportunity to draw together
relevant information on the site and to set out a course of action that can
be used to assist the Wellington Regional Council (WRC) in its annual
planning process.
It will also assist interest groups and individuals with programming their
input and resources. Most importantly it assists in providing a level of
continuity over an extended period where changes in staff involved in the
management of the Park are inevitable.
Recording the planting and maintenance work that is completed each year
and monitoring the success of plant establishment and growth is an
important part of the process because over time, a body of information will
be built up which can be used for future revegetation work on the site, in
other parts of the Park and for similar sites.