Air, Land and Water in the Wellington Region: State and Trends

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Air, Land and Water in the Wellington Region: State and Trends preview
  • Published Date Fri 01 Jun 2012
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This report pack summarises the health of the Wellington
region's air, land and water (freshwater and coastal)
resources. The report pack includes both a regional
overview as well as the key findings on a sub-region basis,
covering the Kapiti Coast, Porirua Harbour, Wellington
Harbour (including the Hutt Valley), Wairarapa Valley and the
eastern Wairarapa hills.

The summary reports highlight the key findings from eight
technical reports that look at both the current state of our
natural resources, as well as trends in their condition over
the last five to ten years (even longer for water allocation).

Updated December 7, 2022 at 1:30 AM