Waikanae River Floodplain Management Plan
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A major flood in the Waikanae River could cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage to property and community assets in the Waikanae area. The social and psychological costs, although difficult to quantify, add considerably to the devastating effect of such an event.
The 1997 Waikanae Floodplain Management Plan was developed alongside the Waikanae River Communities, Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, Greater Wellington and the Kāpiti Coast District Council. Essentially the Plan provides a blueprint for management of the river and floodplain over the next 40 years.
A review of this plan was undertake between 2009 and 2012 to look at assessing the progress made towards the original outcomes, to update the methods, outcomes, and guidelines as necessary and incorporate the latest technical information. As a result of this review the 1997 plan was republished in 2013 with an addendum.