Our regional greenhouse gas emissions have been measured and reported using the production-based Global Protocol methodology for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. Our dataset goes back to 2000/01 

Over the last five years the region’s total gross emissions have decreased by approximately 7%. Since 2001, there has been a 16.6% decrease in emissions despite regional population growth of around 25%.  

Whilst these results are going in the right direction, there is much more to achieve in the bigger picture of reducing our region’s input to climate change.  

We are committed to leading action for climate change resilience and emissions reduction. 

Greater Wellington Region greenhouse gas emissions changes from 2018/19 to 2023/24: -8% in transport; -4% in agriculture; -4% in stationary energy; +2% in industrial processes and product use; and -28% in waste. Change in total gross emissions over last 6 years: -6.75%

The update relates to all emissions from activities occurring within the region’s boundaries, as well as emissions from all waste generated in the region (regardless of where it is disposed of) and electricity used in the region (regardless of where it is generated). Half of the emissions from air and sea travel beginning or ending at the region’s ports was also included.

WRLC Regional Emissions Reduction Plan 2024-2030 

Wellington Region 2050 Emissions Calculator – interactive tool

This interactive tool allows you to experiment with different geographic areas and emission sector's, adjusting levers to track and try to achieve net zero by 2050. Good luck, and once you're happy with your scenario, there's a 'share your scenario' feature for social sharing if desired. 

Past reports

Report positive about drop in emissions, highlights key sectors for continued action

Research shows fall in greenhouse gases over two decades but a worrying rise in transport emissions 

Updated February 19, 2025 at 10:06 AM

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