Greater Wellington is committed to climate action. These two action plans guide our mahi.
As an organisation we have declared a climate emergency and formally established a target to become "carbon neutral" by 2030.
The climate emergency declaration encompasses everything we are doing to combat climate change including emissions from the Wellington region as a whole and adapting to the effects of climate change.
The Climate Committee
We have established a new Council committee for the 2022 triennium, the Climate Committee, to put climate action front and centre of Greater Wellington’s governance and activities. The purpose of the Committee is to oversee and inform the development and review of Council’s strategies, policies, plans, programmes and initiatives from a climate change perspective.
Our current work
We’re already taking climate action through much of our current work outlined in our 2021-31 Long Term Plan, for example:
- Flood protection
- Investing in electric buses (decarbonising public transport)
- Protecting wetlands
- Restoring the biodiversity of our regional parks to build their resilience to climate impacts such as coastal
erosion, fire and storms - Partnering with the city and district councils around the Region by providing technical support such as
climate science and natural hazards expertise.
The role of the committee is to scale up this work in order to benefit responding to climate change.
Electric vehicles
In December of 2023, there were 108 electric buses operating within the public transport fleet, with aspirations to achieve a completely decarbonised bus fleet by 2030. Planning for a fully decarbonised bus fleet by 2030 is underway.
We are supporting electric vehicle use in the region.
Greenhouse gases
In conjunction with the district councils of the region, we have just published a new regional greenhouse gas inventory for the period 2001-2022. This is key to understanding what the key sources of emissions are for the region and therefore where we need to place our efforts to transition towards a low carbon economy.
Find out more about greenhouse gas emissions.
Organisational greenhouse gas emissions
We update our organisational greenhouse gas inventory (‘carbon footprint’) annually to track our progress and manage our own emissions. Find out how we are planning to achieve our carbon neutral target in our Emissions Reduction Plan. We’re working on ways to accelerate our transition to a low carbon organisation by funding projects that reduce our emissions through the sale of emissions units given to us by the government. This reduces the rates impact of this work.
Greater Wellington is committed to climate action (PDF 64 KB)
Greater Wellington Group carbon emissions - (PDF 248 KB) sources and reduction opportunities
Emissions Management and Reduction Plan

date_range Published 15 May 2024
Download now (PDF 795 KB) get_appPreparing Coastal Communities for Climate Change
We've developed a report called "Preparing Coastal Communities for Climate Change". This helps us assess coastal vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change.
Assessing coastal vulnerability to climate change, sea level rise and natural hazards (PDF 22 MB)
Get in touch
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- 0800496734
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