Welcome to the climate hub, where you can find seasonal climate and water summaries, and other information such as climate maps and drought information. 

Greater Wellington measures rainfall, river flows, groundwater levels, temperature, and soil moisture at many locations around the Wellington Region. To provide a summary of climate and water resources for each season we analyse the latest information from a combination of council, NIWA and MetService monitoring sites.

Check the current rainfall and soil moisture anomalies (updated daily).

Get the latest update of climate and hydrological conditions in the region. Linked to live data. Updated seasonally, or when there is a significant change of conditions.

Check out our latest seasonal summary report, which will give an overview of the previous season and outlook for the current one. Updated every new season.

Learn about the impacts of climate drivers such as El Niño, Indian Ocean Dipole and Southern Annular Mode on our climate conditions.

Seasonal variation of climate, atmospheric and oceanic variables, autumn 1961 to summer 2023-24. Updated yearly.

An updated report on the impacts of the various climate drivers on our regional rainfall anomalies and seasonal trends.

Past seasonal climate and water resource summaries.

Updated December 19, 2024 at 9:29 AM

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