A view across Wellington Harbour

Te Whaitua Mo Te Whanganui-a-Tara Pepeha

A Traditional statement defining Te Whanganui-a-Tara region

No te kawa ora te mauri o te wai 
From the ultimate life principles is the vitality of water.

Ka tupu te taurikura o ngā iwi, nga uri, ngā ruranga katoa
From this the nourishment of the iwi, their descendants and those who call this place home is provided.

Ko tātou katoa ngā tangata tiaki o ēnei wai! 
For we all are the responsible guardians of these waters

Ngā wai o te Whaitua o Te Whanganui-a-Tara 
The waters of the Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Whaitua E rere mai 
Flow within the boundaries of

Turakirae ki Rimurapa Turakirae to Rimurapa Mai Rimurapa ki Remutaka 
From Rimurapa to Remutaka Mukamuka ki Te Ra Whiti From

Mukamuka to Te Ra Whiti Pipinui ki te Ra Tō 
To Pipinui across to te Ra Tō

Te Whanganui-a-Tara Whaitua Implementation Programme completed

A Committee of local people from Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt and Wellington was established in 2018.  The 17-person Committee was co-chaired by Mana Whenua and a community member.  They first adopted a set of kawa/principles to help drive their work and then set about developing a programme to restore wai ora (healthy water) for the next 100 years.

A Mana Whenua committee, Te Kāhui Taiao, was also created - comprising of representatives from Taranaki Whānui and Ngāti Toa Rangatira.  

Two documents were produced which must be read, implemented and woven together to ensure the objectives and recommendations in both reports are met.

  • Te Kāhui Taiao produced Te Mahere Wai, a Mana Whenua Whaitua Implementation Programme.  It establishes Mana Whenua values, water quality objectives, and a Mātauranga Māori assessment framework (te Oranga Wai). 

  • The full committee produced Te Whanganui-a-Tara Whaitua Implementation Programme.  

Interactive catchment map and information

  • When we launched the WIP, we built a website sharing detailed information about the catchments. This includes interactive maps, photos, and water health targets.  Check out this handy tool

Updated March 7, 2025 at 12:23 PM

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