Industry guides and management practices
Industry agreed Good Management Practices (GMP’s)
Farm Menus (Industry designed GMP’s)
Actions to include in a Farm Environment Plan
Dairy land use - a farm operator's guide to writing a freshwater farm plan
Pastural land use - a farm operator's guide to writing a freshwater farm plan
Permanant tree and horticultural use - a farm operator's guide to writing a freshwater farm plan
MfE Freshwater farm plans guidance
Beef & Lamb NZ Land and Environment Planning
Dairy NZ Environment
Deer NZ Farm Environment Plans
Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) Farm Environment Plans
Horticultural NZ Farm Planning
MPI Integrated Farm Planning Programme
Visual soil assessment guide
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Reasearch Land Use Capability (LUC)
Land Use Capability (LUC) handbook [Lynn IH et al. (2009)]
MPI – Winter Grazing Module