A range of grazing areas and facilities are available for new uses to support visitor experiences at Battle Hill

Greater Wellington is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for a range low impact and sustainable grazing activities and adaptive uses of the Woolshed and other facilities in Battle Hill Farm Forest Park. Battle Hill is the only regional park focused on farming education for park visitors. We are seeking expressions of interest for new activities which support and enhance public experiences at Battle Hill.  

Sheep grazing at Battle Hill
Aerial view of the buildings at Battle Hill

Before you complete this form, read the Battle Hill EOI Information Document about opportunities and possible new uses.

If you have other ideas or proposals not mentioned, check that what you propose is compatible with park values as expressed in the management plan for regional parks

Timeframes for EOI

This EOI form opened on Monday 30 September 2024. It will close on Monday 28 October 2024

Things to note:  

  • Proposals offering the most benefits for people visiting the park and park values (recreation, natural and cultural heritage) will be prioritised  
  • Highly sustainable, low impact grazing proposals are required  
  • Activities identified as ‘prohibited’ in the management plan will not be considered 

Summary of proposal

Only files with extensions txt | doc | docx | xls | xlsx | pdf | csv | jpg | jpeg | gif | png can be uploaded.

Outline details of your proposal

Before you complete this form, please review Toitu Te Whenua Parks Network Plan 2020-30 which provides directions for management of the park. Download it from our website, or view a hard copy at the Greater Wellington central Wellington or Upper Hutt offices.

6) How does your proposal support Greater Wellington’s management plan directions to:  

  • ‘Enhance and promote the park to make it a highly popular 'farm park' destination’
  • Plan Action A128 to ‘Renew the focus of Battle Hill as a destination for visitors to see a range of farm animals and for learning with a recreation experience focused operating model’?  

10) How does your proposed activity or use of facilities fit with the existing park activities including equestrian uses, campground, heritage features?  

Is your proposal for shared or exclusive use of the area of park or facility or is it a new facility or use proposal?  

Only files with extensions txt | doc | docx | xls | xlsx | pdf | csv | jpg | jpeg | gif | png can be uploaded.
Only files with extensions txt | doc | docx | xls | xlsx | pdf | csv | jpg | jpeg | gif | png can be uploaded.


I/we declare that in submitting the Expression of Interest: 

  1. the information provided is true, accurate and complete and not misleading in any material respect 
  2. the Expression of Interest does not contain intellectual property that will breach a third party’s rights 
  3. I/we have secured all appropriate authorisations to submit this Expression of Interest, to make the statements and to provide the information in the Expression of Interest and I/we am/are not aware of any impediments to enter into a permission agreement to deliver the activities envisaged by the Expression of Interest. 

I/we understand that the falsification of information, supplying misleading information or the suppression of material information in the Expression of Interest may result in the Expression of Interest being eliminated from further participation in the process and may be grounds for termination of any permission agreement awarded as a result of this process. 

Our privacy statement

For further information email parksplanning@gw.govt.nz.

Updated September 30, 2024 at 4:23 PM

Get in touch

0800 496 734