Electric vehicles (EVs) including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, are one of New Zealand’s biggest opportunities for reducing CO2 emissions.

85% of New Zealand’s electricity is generated from renewable sources, and this percentage can be increased even as demand for EV charging increases.

The pricing and capability of electric cars has advanced quickly in a short period of time and they are now practical for many Wellingtonians.

Greater Wellington’s support for EVs is part of its wider Climate Change Emergency response. More information this programme can be found on the climate change page.

Greater Wellington’s Electric Vehicle work

Electric bus fleet

Greater Wellington has an ambition for Wellington to be the first city in New Zealand with an all-electric bus fleet. Find out more about that work here.

EV-first policy 

We have adopted an electric-first policy for our vehicle fleet – this means EVs are the first preference for any new vehicle purchases, unless it can be demonstrated that they are not suitable. We have issued a 30 page paper and the wording of our policy, together with an action sheet with ideas for fleet managers.

Regional Electric Vehicle Working Group

We convene the Wellington Regional Electric Vehicle Working Group (REV-WG). It meets quarterly and is open to sector stakeholders and interested parties from throughout NZ. The situation with EV uptake and charging infrastructure in the region and within each district is summarised by REV-WG in six monthly co-ordination updates.

If you would like to get involved and attend REV-WG sessions, please contact climatechange@gw.govt.nzopen_in_new

Supporting EVs in the Wellington Region – advisory report

Together with other Wellington Region councils and electricity network companies, we commissioned an advisory report on how these agencies can best support EV uptake. This report was completed in 2019, and its content and recommend strategy so far has been formally endorsed by Greater Wellington and Masterton District Councils. The Council will build the suggested measures in the report into its plans as applicable and appropriate.

Updated January 31, 2022 at 12:38 PM

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