Advisory bodies
In addition to our committees and subcommittees, the Council has established advisory bodies that provide it with advice on:
The Farming Reference Group provides advice, information and recommendations to Greater Wellington Regional Council on matters relating to the well-being of the region's farming communities.
The Farming Reference Group is comprised of up to ten members (two Greater Wellington Regional councillors and up to eight persons appointed by Council on the basis of their relevant experience and skills).
Farming Reference Group Terms of Reference 2022-25

date_range Published 13 Jan 2023
Download now (PDF 124 KB) get_appGreater Wellington Regional Council membership |
Councillor Penny Gaylor |
Councillor Adrienne Staples |
Other membership |
Barbie Barton - Chairperson |
Aiden Bichan |
Stan Braaksma |
Gavin Bruce |
Emily Crofoot |
Stu McKenzie |
Kerry Walker |
Margaret Wheatstone |
Floodplain and River Management Plans
The Lower Ruamahanga River Floodplain Management Advisory Committee is an advisory committee of the Wairarapa Committee. The Advisory Committee provide oversight of the development, implementation and review of the Lower Wairarapa Valley Development Scheme and Floodplain Management Plans for the Lower Ruamahanga Valley floodplains.
It is comprised of two Greater Wellington Regional Council Councillors, including the councillor for the Wairarapa constituency, one elected member nominated by South Wairarapa District Council, one member nominated by Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, one member nominated by Rangitāne ō Wairarapa, and eight members nominated by the existing scheme committees, whom are all appointed by Council.
Lower Ruamahanga Valley Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 2022-25

date_range Published 13 Jan 2023
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Local authority membership |
Councillor David Bassett | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Adrienne Staples | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Pip Maynard | South Wairarapa District Council |
Mana whenua membership |
Horipo Rimene | Rangitāne o Wairarapa |
Ra Smith | Kahungunu ki Wairarapa |
Local scheme committee members |
Neville Davies | |
Rupert Handyside | |
Charlie Matthews | |
Mike Moran | |
Roddy Sutherland | |
Hayden Thurston | |
Gerard Vollebregt |
The Upper Ruamahanga River Management Advisory Committee is an advisory committee of the Wairarapa Committee. It provides oversight on the implementation of the Te Kaūru Upper Ruamāhanga Floodplain Management Plan.
Upper Ruamahanga River Management Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 2022-25

date_range Published 13 Jan 2023
Download now (PDF 126 KB) get_appLocal Authority Membershhip | |
Councillor Quentin Duthie | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Adrienne Staples | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Steve Cretney | Carterton District Council |
Councillor Brian Deller | Carterton District Council |
Councillor Craig Bowyer | Masterton District Council |
Councillor Brent Goodwin | Masterton District Council |
Councillor David Holmes | Masterton District Council |
Mana Whenua Membership | |
TBA | Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Charitable Trust |
TBA | Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc |
River Management Group Membership | |
Cliff Bouton | |
Mike Cohr | |
Chris Hollis | |
Matt Nixon | |
Duncan Stuart | |
Gavin Wall |
The Waiōhine River Plan Advisory Committee is an advisory body of the Wairarapa Committee. It's purpose is to oversee the implementation and operation of the Waiōhine River Plan.
Waiohine River Plan Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

date_range Published 20 Mar 2023
Download now (PDF 150 KB) get_appMembers
Local authority membership | |
Councillor Adrienne Staples | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Brian Deller | Carterton District Council |
TBA | South Wairarapa District Council |
Mana whenua membership | |
Sam Ludden | Kahungunu ki Wairarapa |
Amber Craig | Rangitāne o Wairarapa |
Urban Ratepayer members | |
Camlo Carter-Ritchie | |
Russell Hight | |
Stephen Dunstan | |
Rural Landowner members | |
Mike Ashby | |
Michael Hewison | |
Murray McKee | |
Stephen Meyrick | |
Mike Roera | |
Bruce Slater |
The Council’s relationship with mana whenua is guided by the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002, Resource Management Act 1991, Port Nicholson Block (Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika Claims Settlement Act 2009, and Ngāti Toa Rangātira Claims Settlement Act 2014 and national and regional policy statements and environment standards (e.g. Statement for Freshwater Management 2014).
Ara Tahi is a leadership forum of Greater Wellington Regional Council and its six mana whenua partners. Ara Tahi meets to discuss strategic issues of mutual interest. Ara Tahi members comprise two representatives from each mana whenua authority and usually the Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair, Deputy Chair and Chief Executive.
Ara Tahi Terms of Reference 2022-25

date_range Published 13 Jan 2023
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Greater Wellington Regional Council membership |
Councillor Daran Ponter Councillor Adrienne Staples |
Group functions |
Memorandum of Partnership |
Ara Tahi was instrumental in the development of the Memorandum of Partnership between Tangata Whenua ki Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui and Wellington Regional Council. This memorandum sets out the structural and operational relationship between Greater Wellington Regional Council and mana whenua in the context of the Treaty of Waitangi Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the legislation which gives functions, duties and powers to the Council. Memorandum of Partnership between Tangata Whenua ki Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui and Wellington Regional Council Te Pane Matua Taiao![]() ![]() date_range Published 13 Aug 2021 Download now (PDF 4.9 MB) get_app |
The Public Transport Advisory Group is an advisory body to the Transport Committee. It provides advice (from a community perspective) to inform the business of Metlink and the Transport Committee. The Chair of the Public Transport Advisory Group is a non-voting member of the Transport Committee.
Public Transport Advisory Group Terms of Reference (2022-25 Triennium) - accessible format
date_range Published 06 Apr 2023
Download now (DOCX 21 KB) get_appGreater Wellington Regional Council membership |
Councillor Simon Woolf |
Community membership |
Andrew Lensen (Chair) |
Kris Parkin (Deputy Chair) |
Rodney Badcock |
Thomas Bryan |
Lily Chalmers |
Jamin Fountain |
Raewyn Hailes |
Skye Hailwood |
Tamsyn Harker |
Linsey Higgins |
Vaughn Liley |
Lisa Matthews |
Peter McIntosh |
Genevieve McLachlan |
Michael Mellor |
William Royal |
Antonio Salamat |
Joseph Seupule |
Laura Stuart |
Michael Teague |
Scott Tingey |
Susan Williams |
Karen (Kaz) Yung |
Additional membership opportunities
We continue to welcome membership applications from those wishing to represent the following perspectives:
- Employers
To express your interest, please complete the application form linked below.
Group members will each have a unique consumer perspective and a bigger picture view of Wellington’s public transport network and broader public transport issues. Overall, the Group will reflect the diversity of the Greater Wellington region and provide:
- Broad representation of perspectives and consumer needs,
- Governance experience,
- Geographic spread and
- Demographic diversity.
More information about the Public Transport Advisory Group is available in the Terms of Reference above.
Expectations of members
Members are expected to attend all Public Transport Advisory Group meetings in person. The Group meets at least quarterly. Generally, meetings run for 2.5 hours on weekday evenings at Greater Wellington’s office on Cuba Street. Meetings may occasionally be hosted online.
An agenda and papers are circulated the week prior to the meeting to enable members to prepare to participate in facilitated discussions. Members are encouraged to actively listen to and positively contribute to discussions by representing their consumer perspective, while being able to take a bigger picture view of Wellington’s public transport network and broader public transport issues.
To recognise contribution, Group members can claim Greater Wellington’s standard daily meeting attendance allowances and expenses for scheduled meetings of the Advisory Group.
Application process
Please complete the application form below to express interest in representing the following perspectives:
- Employers
Applicants must be 16 years or older.
More information
Please email ptag@gw.govt.nzopen_in_new if you have any questions or would like more information.
The Whaitua Kāpiti Committee has responsibility to develop the Kāpiti Whaitua Implementation Plan (WIP).
The Whaitua Kāpiti Committee was disestablished 1 November 2024.
Whaitua Kāpiti Committee Terms of Reference 2022-25

date_range Published 13 Jan 2023
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Membership |
Councillor Penny Gaylor | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Councillor Jocelyn Prvanov | Kāpiti Coast District Council |
Dr Mahina-a-rangi Baker | Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai |
Sharlene Maoate-Davis | Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai |
Aroha Spinks | Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki |
Caleb Royal | Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki |
Shane Parata | Ngāti Toa Rangatira |
Naomi Solomon | Ngāti Toa Rangatira |
Pātaka Moore | Community representative |
Monique Leith | Community Representative |
Jenny Rowan | Community Representative |
Kerry Walker | Community Representative |
The Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Reference Group is tasked with monitoring progress on the implementation of the Whaitua Implementation Programme for Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
The Whaitua Te Whangaui-a-Tara Reference Group was disestablished 1 July 2024.
Whatiau Te Whanganui-a-Tara Reference Group Terms of Reference 2022-2025

date_range Published 05 Jul 2023
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Membership |
Councillor Quentin Duthie | Greater Wellington Regional Counil |
Councillor Hikitia Ropata | Greater Wellington Regional Council |
Mayor Wayne Guppy | Upper Hutt City Council |
Deputy Mayor Tui Lewis | Hutt City Council |
Louise Askin | |
Sam Kahui | |
Pete Matcham | |
Zoe Ogilvie | |
Jonathon Osborne | |
Anya Pollock | |
Gabriel Tupou | |
Pat van Berkel |
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800496734
- Email: