Floodplain management planning creates a long-term strategy for managing flood risk within a catchment. This is done with a focus on improving the security and quality of life for those living on a floodplain. It better prepares communities for coping with a flood when it occurs, and aims to ensure that any future development considers flood risk. Floodplain management plans are developed with communities to identify the flood hazard and determine management strategies.

The outcome of a floodplain management plan is a document that guides how the floodplain and catchment is managed to:

  • Minimise risks to life, health and safety
  • Reduce severity of flood damage
  • Promote sustainable use of flood and erosion prone land
  • Promote sustainable development of the wider catchment
  • Use planning and community preparedness to ensure sustainable land use
  • Identify options to manage the flood risk.

Work to improve river corridors

Environmental strategies set out the work we do to improve the environment and recreational access to river corridors. These are developed in association with floodplain management plans. We have environmental strategies for the following rivers:


Which plans are we currently working on?

How are these plans updated?

Floodplain management plans and environmental strategies are living documents that are reviewed and updated at regular intervals, or as required.

Our approach to developing or reviewing these documents is described in the Guidelines for Floodplain Management which can be found here;

Updated June 10, 2022 at 2:39 PM

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