Hutt CBD flood protection project enters new stage

The Hutt Valley community spoke loudly and clearly last year that it favours Option A flood protection in which we will move to building 1 in 400 year protection in one step within five years, a verdict that was agreed to by the Hutt Valley Flood Management Subcommittee and the GWRC late last year:

The focus of preliminary design now, therefore, is Option A – One Step where we provide 1 in 440 year return period flood protection that includes an allowance for climate change (by enlarging and moving stopbanks further west into Pharazyn and Marsden streets, which will require purchase and removal of property on those streets). Going straight to this option would cost about $143 million, including property purchase.

Over the next 18 months GWRC will work with Hutt City Council, NZ Transport Agency and a range of consultants to plan and design the project, culminating in a Preliminary Design Report to be published in August 2017 ahead of applications for resource consents in 2018.

The report will provide full details of the key phases of the project: costings, river channel design works, stopbanks design, transport linkages, urban and landscape design and civil works. Each of these areas will be covered in a separate plan and brought together in the final report.

The details of each key phase are as follows:

Design phase

What does this cover?

Release date

River channel design works

Charts the exact shape of the river channel between Kennedy Good Bridge to Ewen Bridge

Designs river edge protection

Sources construction materials

Feb 17

Stopbank design

Decides exact location (“footprint”)

Develops stopbank profiles for community viewing

Works out relocation of services and utilities (power lines etc)

Feb 17

Urban works and landscaping

Reviews the river corridor’s environment

Decides on matters such as environment and amenities (planting, recreation options etc)

Mar 17

Civil works

Identifies treatment of Daly St

Considers links with stopbanks

Decides cycle/way pedestrian bridge options

Reviews Melling Bridge options


Transport design

Discovers impact of project on local transport network

Works out improvements to Daly St

Develops options for impact on Pharazyn St

Plan car parking

Reviews the layout of Melling Station and adjacent parking and bridge access

Mar 17

Melling intersection

Completes the first stage of the NZ Transport Agency business case to concept design stage.

June 17

Final Preliminary Design Report

Presents all phases

Aug 17

Construction begins   2018/2019
Updated August 9, 2022 at 11:18 AM

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