Projects with public safety components go unfunded

  • Published Date 18 Sep 2024
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Public safety could be compromised by the government’s decision not to co-fund a raft of infrastructure renewal projects proposed for the Metlink public transport network, Greater Wellington chair Daran Ponter says.

The regional council estimates it is facing a $134m shortfall in funding over the next three years, after more than 40 projects it put forward for 51% co-funding from the National Land Transport Fund were rejected.

The projects include seismic strengthening of some station buildings and new bus stops with better lighting, upgrades Cr Ponter says, “were proposed to protect the public”.

“A good example of a recent Metlink infrastructure renewal project to enhance public safety is the Naenae subway upgrade.  

“Creating a brighter and safer subway that was previously prone to criminal and anti-social behaviour was the key driver for the project – as determined by community feedback through extensive engagement.

“We’re grateful for the community’s input into the design, and to the government for co-funding the subway upgrade – but we ask the government to reconsider funding our proposals for similar projects that include public safety components.”

Unveiled in May, the Naenae subway upgrade was designed in partnership with the community to provide a safe, modern entry to the train station and a safer pedestrian connection to Avalon.  

The total cost of the upgrade is $2.9m, which includes $14,760 for cultural design elements created by mana whenua; “money well spent on infrastructure to stand the test of time”, Cr Ponter says.

“Good infrastructure renewal not only enhances public safety it reflects the identity of the community – empowering the public to preserve their assets.  

“Public safety is Metlink’s number one priority. Without adequate funding from the government, Greater Wellington will now have to consider unpopular measures such as hiking fares or reducing services to deliver projects that improve safety for our passengers.”

For more information about Metlink project proposals not funded by the government, read the  Letter to MPs, Mayors and Mana whenua - $134m Shortfall in NLTF funding (PDF 334 KB) .


Naenae subway upgrade project  


The total cost of the Naenae subway upgrade project is 2,898,495.67. 

Project funding  

Approximately 51% of the funding for this project came from National Land Transport Funding under the Continuous Programme BAU Capex & Lower Cost Low Risk Infrastructure enhancement fund category. The remaining 49% of funding came from rates and public transport ticket revenue. 


The total cost of the artwork commissioned for the project is $14,760.

This includes:

Greater Wellington contracted the designers to produce graphics to be wholly owned by Greater Wellington and Metlink. This means that the graphics are able to be used as a part of the Naenae subway upgrade as well as other projects.

Detailed project cost breakdown

 Item  Cost (GST-Exclusive)
Concept Design Drawings and Renders   67,534.70 
Design of illuminated entry portal signage  3,512.17
Design of graphics for use within Subway   8,180.00
Report to support design 6,580.00
Project Management Fees 69,825.00 
Subway Cosmetic Upgrade Works (Includes: safe removal of lead paint system, application of water-proofing system, application of mesh and render system to all walls and ceilings; application of anti-graffiti paint system to subway walls, ceilings and floors; fabrication and installation of Pelmet LED Lighting system; installation of additional CCTV cameras; subway barrel drainage improvements; concrete etching for new murals; vandalism repairs) 2,317,233.22 
Subway entry portal signage 159,851.50 
Illuminated LED handrail system   127,230.00 
Production of content and detailed questionnaire for Naenae community engagement activities   29,246.18 
Printing costs for graphic designs on pelmet panels   51,279.97 
CCTV and PA System Infrastructure (includes supply and installation)   37,288.93 
Replacement of mounting brackets and poles for exterior lighting   20,734.00
TOTAL    $2,898,495.67

Read about the financial transactions associated with the project. (PDF 25 KB)

Updated September 18, 2024 at 3:35 PM

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