Sustainable thinking for future generations

  • Published Date 14 Jun 2019

"If you were to design Wellington City again - how might you do things differently?" This question was posed to Wellington High School Year 9 students this week who have been tasked with designing sustainable, future-proof cities. 

An island has popped up in the middle of the Cook Strait and society has the opportunity to create a city from scratch - this is the scenario given to these young minds who are working to design a sustainable future.

Expert speakers, including a Greater Wellington Regional Council environmental scientist, went along to a mini-conference held at the school on Wednesday, June 12.

Greater Wellington Marine and Freshwater team leader Megan Oliver ran a workshop on Cities versus Water - focusing on the importance of keeping our waterways healthy.

In the workshop, run alongside ecological engineer Stu Farrant, Megan discussed the health of urban streams and the coastal environment in and around Wellington and possible design solutions to improving environmental health.

"It's great to be able to come along and have these conversations with students. Young people are the best advocates for change.

"Wellington is in a time of change at the moment and it is important for us to front-foot this in terms of sustainable thinking," Megan says.

Tukutahi (Junior School) Co-ordinator for Wellington High Mike Kingston says the students have four weeks to work on these cities which will focus on matters such as solar energy, air pollution, scale and ratio, governance and culture.

"Having professionals come along and speak to the students is great for content knowledge but there is also huge value in them seeing how things work in the real world," Mike says.

Students will present their sustainable cities to peers, teachers and guest judges in week 10.

Updated April 28, 2022 at 9:21 AM

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