Plan Goal 4: Working collaboratively and consistently with others, we enable learning and build strong partnerships to deliver more conservation and recreation benefits for parks, people and communities.
Plan Goal 5: Collectively we work together in mahi tahi partnerships, as kaitiaki guardians, nurturing strong mauri and enhancing parks for current and future generations.
Greater Wellington is working with mana whenua partners to establish much closer working relationships focusing on shared areas of interest such as restoration, freshwater quality and storytelling.
We have partnerships in conservation and recreation work in parks with many groups. Find out more on our volunteering page.
We still have a lot of work to do on this aspirational goal and aim to get the proposed parks master planning programme underway in 2023, utilising this process to support community collaboration and bringing groups together in work in parks.
To mention just a few, some of the great conservation and recreation work includes:
- QEP restoration work with mana whenua, the Friends, Nursery Group and the McLean Trust
- Belmont - BAMBA Belmont trail work and plantings, Ngahere Korowai and Ngāti Toa plant nursery proposal work
- Kaitoke and Battle Hill Arbor Day school plantings
- Taranaki Whānui, BOTSOC and MIRO work in Kaitoke and East Harbour parks and plant nursery restoration support
- Friends of Baring Head heritage conservation work including building restoration and storytelling grants in East Harbour Park
Friends and community group plantings in parks are highly valued.

Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park

Wetland restoration at Belmont Park
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800 496 734
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