Recloaking Papatūānuku’ is the heart and soul of our restoration efforts on regional park land, which supplements region-wide restoration efforts on private land at an even bigger scale. This programme is nothing short of extraordinary; it will transform not only nature, but also the lives of people. With a grand vision for long-term restoration, areas once barren and lacking in biodiversity will, over time soon be enveloped in a vibrant green ‘cloak’ of native vegetation. Mother Earth herself, Papatūānuku, will reclaim her rightful beauty, and our park ecosystems will flourish with newfound vitality. Join us on this journey towards a healthier, greener future!

Ngahere Korowai are a community group with a vision to recloak the bare hills around Porirua with native flora.

Ka ora te wai

Ka ora te whenua

Ka ora te whenua

Ka ora te tangata

If the water is healthy 

the land will be nourished 

If the land is nourished 

the people will be provided for

A view of Belmont ParkWhy restore the grazed areas of parks?  

Healthy ecosystems deliver more benefits for people and nature, and this is the purpose of regional parks. The benefits of restoring healthy ecosystems include: 

  • Better water quality by filtering runoff.
  • Clean air.
  • Habitat and biodiversity for wildlife (birds, insects, frogs, fish, lizards, bats).
  • Increased pollination.
  • Protection of soil and prevent erosion.
  • Flood protection.
  • Provides a carbon sink to remove greenhouse gases from our atmosphere (carbon sequestration).
  • Improves the look and natural character of our park landscapes with shelter for recreation activities. 
  • Attractive landscapes encourage more visits and well-being benefits. The more parks are used, the better the return on investment in them.
  • Enjoyment and connection with nature (biophilia).
  • Create strong Mauri (life force).
  • Spiritual health and wellbeing from knowing that natural places are being looked after. 

Where we’re planting this winter

This year we’re planting over 300,000 native plants, shrubs and grasses on previously grazed areas in four regional parks. Check out the maps below to see which areas we’re recloaking.

Battle Hill Farm Park 

This year’s planting in Battle Hill will predominately take place in previously grazed areas of the Horokiri Stream catchment. Mānuka, kānuka, karamu are some of the species that will be planted. 

Belmont Regional Park

Our largest area of planting this year, we’re planting mānuka, kānuka, makomako, tī kouka, harakeke and more in the Porirua Stream and Duck Creek catchments to help improve the health of Te Awarua-o-Porirua / Porirua Harbour. 

East Harbour Regional Park 

Species like ngaio, mingimingi, whāriki, tauhinu, and harakeke will be planted at Baring Head / Ōrua-Pouanui on the valley floor alongside the Wainuiomata River, and the terrace on the southern edge of the park.

Kaitoke Regional Park 

We’re extending planting in previously grazed areas and carrying out infill planting of species including mānuka, tarata, and harakeke on the eastern side of Kaitoke Regional Park.

Restoration activities provide reasons for people to get together, nurture nature, create strong Mauri (life force), foster a sense of place and community identity based on common goals and love for places.  

Manaaki Whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua 

Care for the land, care for the people, go forward  

Four pictures of landscapes in regional parks

Updated May 24, 2024 at 4:03 PM

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0800 496 734