This is the fourth Annual Monitoring Report tracking the progress made against the measures and indicators of the Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan 2021, covering 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024. 

As required under the Land Transport Management Act 2003, the Wellington Regional Transport Committee receives an annual report that monitors the progress of the Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan 2021. 

Each Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for the RLTP 2021 tracks progress against the three ambitious headline targets set in the RLTP 2021. The headline targets demonstrate the scale of the transformation that the region hopes to achieve by 2030, proposing proxy measures to gauge whether we are heading in the right direction, and are:

  • 40 percent increased mode share in active modes and public transport
  • 35 percent reduction in transport-generated CO2
  • 40 percent reduction in road deaths and serious injuries

The AMR also reviews measures and indicators that track the region’s contributions to the five transport outcomes in the Ministry of Transport Te Manatū Waka’s Transport Outcomes Framework, which sets common objectives for the transport system centred around wellbeing and liveability.

Updated November 27, 2024 at 10:45 AM

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