Hearing Panel Members, Minutes and Directions

Hearing Streams

There are five Hearing Streams. Each stream covers a specific topic. Hearings were held from November 2024 to July 2025.

Event Location Date to start Date to end
Hearing Stream One Greater Wellington Council Chamber & Naumi Event Center November 4th November 8th
Hearing Stream Two To be determined March 24th, 2025 April 4th, 2025
Hearing Stream Three To be determined May 19th, 2025 May 30th, 2025
Hearing Stream Four To be determined June 23rd, 2025 July 4th, 2025
Hearing Stream Five To be determined July 28th, 2025 August 2nd, 2025


Plan Change 1 to the Natural Resources Plan will shortly be at the stage of Hearings, where submitters have the opportunity to speak to a Hearing Panel about their submission.

There are five Hearing Streams, each stream covers a specific topic. Hearings started in November 2024 and finished in July 2025.

Hearing Phase and Timeline

Submitters will be contacted by using the Address for Service provided in each submission. If you are a submitter and/or further submitter and wish to update this Address for Service, please email regionalplan@gw.govt.nzlaunch

Submitters and/or further submitters who have requested to be heard in support of their submission will have the opportunity to speak to a Hearing Panel from late-2024 onwards.

In advance of each hearing stream, documents are released to help inform the hearing panel. (These may include S42A reports, technical evidence, legal submissions, and rebuttal reports).

Hearings Panel will listen to submitters over the course of the hearing

The Friend of Submitter service is available during the hearing phase for submitters to use if support is needed in preparing for your hearing. The Friend of Submitters is fully independent and has not been involved in developing the Proposed Change 1. You can contact them by sending an email Friend.of.Submitter@gw.govt.nz 

We have two Hearing Panels appointed for these Hearings:  

  •  The Part 1, Schedule 1 (P1S1) Hearings Panel, appointed by the Council, who will hear and make recommendations on submissions in relation to the Part 1, Schedule 1 provisions of NRP Change 1. 
  • The Freshwater Hearings Panel (FHP) panel, appointed by the Chief Freshwater Commissioner to hear submissions on the Freshwater Planning Instrument component of NRP Change 1. 

Hearing Panel Directions

The Hearing Panels will release Minutes prior to the Hearing to advise of directions, procedures, dates and evidence deadlines.

It is essential that all parties attending the Hearing have read and understood all of the Hearing Panel Minutes.

Further directions will be issued by the Hearing Panel prior to, during and post Hearings

Further Assistance

For any questions about Plan Change 1 National Resources Plan hearings that is not covered by our website content, please contact our team at regionalplan@gw.govt.nz.

If you have any questions regarding how to present a submission at a hearing, please email our independent Friend of the Submitter at Friend.of.Submitter@gw.govt.nz launch.

Updated September 26, 2024 at 10:27 AM

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0800 496 734