We measure levels of air pollution from traffic and home heating emissions and check that our air quality meets national standards and guidelines to protect the health of our communities.

Everyone deserves clean air to breathe. Breathing polluted air can lead to respiratory (lung) and cardiovascular (heart) problems. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to air pollution. We can all be part of keeping our air clean.

LAWA connects you with New Zealand's environment through sharing scientific data.

We measure indicator air pollutants from traffic and home heating at sites across our region.

If you are being affected by unpleasant or excessive amounts of chimney smoke, dust or agrichemical spray, call our Environmental Hotline on 0800 496 734.

Older, inefficient wood burners, wet wood and poor wood burning technique can lead to high levels of fine particle air pollution during winter in some areas of our region.

Older, diesel vehicles and congested streets can lead to high roadside levels of harmful pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, in some areas of our region.

Updated September 2, 2024 at 8:58 AM

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