We’re taking a leading role, working with government, mana whenua and our communities, to protect our region right now and for generations to follow.

We declared a climate emergency in 2019 and set a big, bold target to be carbon neutral by 2030. We’re serious about this. We partner with all sorts of groups, working together to reduce emissions and prepare for the unavoidable effects of climate change. We’re taking action now and planning for big changes ahead, to help us reach our carbon neutral goal.

Interactive tools

Find out what climate change means for you and the region with our interactive tools.

Our Action Plans

We are already seeing the impacts of climate change on our region and these will continue to become more apparent over time.

We have established a new Council committee for this triennium, the Climate Committee, to put climate action front and centre of Greater Wellington’s governance and activities. The purpose of the…

Updated February 26, 2024 at 8:52 AM

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