Greater Wellington Regional Council aims to involve the region's community in its decision-making processes.
As a member of the region's community, it is essential that you have the opportunity to comment on Greater Wellington Regional Council's policies, activities and priorities.
This section details information about the processes through which Greater Wellington Regional Council engages with the community and how we make decisions, so that you can effectively influence those processes and have your say on matters of importance.
Local Governance Statement
The Local Governance Statement is a requirement of section 40 of the Local Government Act 2002. Greater Wellington's Local Governance Statement for the 2022-25 Triennium is published as of 28 March 2023. Updates will be made to the pages below as required.
Use the following links to access information about how Greater Wellington Regional Council makes decisions and how members of the public can influence those processes.
Greater Wellington Regional Council has many functions and responsibilities. These mainly centre on environment management, but also includes public transport and strategic and economic development of the Wellington Region.
The Council's rights, obligations and responsibilities are described in Acts of Parliament, regulations and bylaws.
Councils are able to use one of two electoral systems - First Past the Post or Single Transferable Vote.
Greater Wellington Regional Council currently has 13 councillors elected across six constituencies.
Elected members are responsible for governance and representing the interests of residents. They also have obligations as to their conduct.
Council uses a number of different decision-making bodies to help it make effective and efficient decisions. These decision-making bodies include the full Council, committees and advisory groups.
The legal requirements for Council meetings are set down in the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).
Greater Wellington Regional Council consults with the community when adopting or amending a Long-Term Plan or adopting, amending, or revoking a bylaw under the Local Government Act 2002. It may…
Local government legislation requires councils to take account of the perspective(s) of Māori on many matters. Councils also must take appropriate account of the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi…
The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to employ a Chief Executive who responsibilities are to employ other staff on behalf of the council, to implement Council decisions and…
Greater Wellington is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce that represents our communities.
We have a number of planning documents that provide details on our functions and goals, and how we plan to achieve them.
Greater Wellington is committed to being an open and transparent government agency.
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800496734
- Email: