
Our amazing region stretches from coast to coast, from Wairarapa and Kapiti all the way to Wellington – and within all that beauty you’ll find…
Environment and conservation
The Enviroschools Programme is a long-term, whole-school programme, where schools create their own unique pathway to sustainability. Schools signed up to the Programme have the support of a facilitator, a network of other schools and a set of resources pulling together ideas that have worked for schools over the 10 years that the programme has been operating.
Find out more on the Wellington region's Enviroschools page.
Take action for water
Is a resource educating young people about the importance of the environment. It aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to make informed environmental decisions in daily life. Take action for water resource >
Love every drop
Is a resource helping students understand where their tap water comes from and to make informed decisions about using it. Love every drop resource >
The stream health assessment kits provide a simple and practical resource for teachers wanting to engage students in learning about the importance of water quality, ecological systems and scientific approaches.
The kit is designed to be used in the field by teachers and students undertaking practical aspects of stream health assessment. It includes all the equipment and materials needed to undertake basic stream health assessment. Assessment involves investigating the water quality, physical features of a site and the plants and animals living in and alongside the stream.
Request a stream assessment kit
To request a kit contact with the:
- School name and location
- Contact name and details
- Dates you would like the kit.
Download the lending agreement (PDF 257 KB)
Online education resources
These are some online resources that provide information about stream health and assessment:
- Take Action for Water is an environmental education resource for teachers to help primary and intermediate school students (years 5-8) investigate and explore their local freshwater environment.
- The Whitebait Connection is an education programme developed by a non-profit community conservation group. It encourages New Zealanders to understand and be involved in the health of our local streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands.
- NIWA has developed identification guides on freshwater plants, algae, fish and invertebrates.
- The Department of Conservation has information on aquatic invertebrates, freshwater fish and more.
- Landcare Research has a freshwater invertebrate identification guide.
- Te Ara/The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand has a lot of information on freshwater habitats and what biodiversity might be found in them.
- Land Air Water Aotearoa is a web portal where scientific data about the environment is shared. It has a lot of useful information on the state of freshwater and freshwater monitoring around the Wellington region.
To help with your stream assessment field trip, you might like to download a map of the area you will be visiting. We have a number of these available for various parts of the Wellington region.
Hutt Valley:
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Black Creek
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Catchpool Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Collins Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Hulls Creek
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Opahu Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Hemi Matenga Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Wharemaku Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Elsdon Camp Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Horikiri Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Kenepuru Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Atiwhakatu Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Papawai Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Southey Road Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Kaiwharawhara Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Karori Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Korokoro Stream
Published 19 May 2022
Stream maps - Wellington City streams
This grant support schools explore and take action in their local environment. It can be used by schools taking part in field trips as part of:
- Mountains to Sea Wellington education programmes
- Using Stream health assessment or Marine Metres Squared kits
- Sustainable Coastlines
- Conservation Volunteers New Zealand
- Pedal Ready Guided Rides
- Other trips to allow your students to explore or take action in their local environment
There is a maximum of $500 per year available for up to 90 students towards transport costs of:
- Two buses or train trips
- Guided bike ride to field trips
If your school is interested, take a look at the Student Transport Grant Application form:
Student Transport Grant application

Fill out this form and email to Read more here

date_range Published 07 Feb 2023
Download now (PDF 218 KB) get_appThis fund supports schools and early childhood centres to carry out projects that support native plants and wildlife. It will help students to do projects like: planting, cleaning up litter and pest animal control. There is up to $500 a year available for each project.
Download the Student Action Project Fund application form (PDF 589 KB) and email it to
Active transport, cycling and road safety
Greater Wellington has created easy to use learning resources for schools and educators.
Our aim is to promote active, healthy, and safe trips to school by:
- Helping ākonga (students) and whānau (families) to be healthy, safe, and connected with their community.
- Helping teachers with directly relevant and immediately useful resources that ease school gate chaos.
Designed by teachers for teachers. We've worked with schools across our rohe (region) to understand teachers’ needs. Our education team has designed and curated a library of learning experiences to meet those needs.
The Scooter Ready Programme is available alongside the Pedal Ready cycle skills programme. It is aimed at years 3 and 4, but can be tailored as needed. It focuses on safety, fun and building skills and confidence.
Every March thousands of primary school students celebrate walking, biking and scooting to school through our Māehe Manawa Ora - Movin'March programme.
Active travel to school helps increase independence, physical and mental health, decision making and road safety skills of our tamariki - and the school benefits from less chaos at the school gate.
There are free resources for schools, students and parents for active travel in March and all year round.
Pedal Ready is a free programme to teach students cycle skills. Their instructors teach cycle skills compliant with the New Zealand Transport Agency Cycle Skills Guidelines.
The Active Travel Action curriculum resource has been developed by Greater Wellington Regional Council and Enviroschools - Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui.
The resource provides a process for schools to implement sustainable active travel practices in their school through student inquiry - and an opportunity for students to take action in response to climate change.
Bikes in Schools is a programme to allow students equal access to bikes and tracks in the school setting so everyone can experience the benefits of cycling.
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800496734
- Email: