Microbiological water quality states are reported as National Objectives Framework (NOF) states in accordance with the 2020 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.
Freshwater NOF states are based on routine sampling over five recreational bathing periods, which run from the last week of October to the end of March, with a minimum of 50 samples required to assign a state. “A” can be seen as excellent bathing water quality, while “D” is poor quality with higher risk of Campylobacter infection, see these LAWA factsheets on coastal and freshwater recreation monitoring and faecal indicator bacteria for more information.
NOF states are also calculated for samples taken in “Low” flow conditions, less than three times the median of long-term flow, and do not require the minimum 50 data points so please take this in to account when comparing states.
Arrows over the circles and next to NOF states indicate change in levels from the previous season – i.e. a single up arrow means that this season’s state is one level higher (worse) than last season’s state.
Usage guide: Scroll/zoom on the map to find areas of interest, hover on site circles to see more information, and use the "River flows:" toggle in the top right of the map to compare grades using samples from "Low" flow conditions versus grades over "All" samples regardless of flow.
Usage guide: Click the table headers or arrows () next to them to sort the data, holding the shift key allows sorting over multiple columns.
Use the tabs below to see action guideline breaches for E. coli (>550 cfu/100mL) from routine surveillance monitoring. Click the table headers or arrows () next to them to sort the data, holding the shift key allows sorting over multiple columns.
Overall shows the number of sites that breached guidelines broken down by those sites total number of breaches in the monitoring season.
Separate Whaitua tables list preceding rainfall (mm) and the number of follow up samples required before compliance with the surveillance guideline was met for each action level breach. Alert level breaches (>260 cfu/100mL) are also included and suffixed an asterisk (*) when they required follow-up samples to be taken.
Total breaches per site | Kāpiti | Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Ruamāhanga | Total no. sites | % of sites |
0 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 13 | 65.0 |
1 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 25.0 |
2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 10.0 |
Total monitored sites | 3 | 8 | 9 | 20 |