Wetland health

Wetland monitoring followed Clarkson et al. (2003), with adaptations from Clarkson et al. (2013a & 2013b). The following indices/attributes were surveyed:

The Wetland Condition Index is a composite index that uses indicators of the following components of wetland health:

Assessments were made at both the wetland scale and at a more detailed plot level. A Wetland Pressure Index was also scored at the landscape scale for each wetland.

The vegetation composition was sampled in 5m x 5m plots randomly located off a sampling grid in all plant communities covering > 20% of the terrestrial area of the wetland.

Wetland faunal survey

Sampling of birds and fish was conducted in spring. Gee-minnow traps (3mm mesh) and finemesh fyke nets with exclusion chambers were set overnight and retrieved at first light to minimise hypoxia risk. Up to five fyke nets and 10 Gee-minnow traps were deployed at each site where accessibility allowed. Species, numbers and size classes were recorded for fish. All fish were released alive at their capture location.

Wetland birds were surveyed from the margins of each wetland using playback calls for spotless and marsh crake. Surveys were conducted between 3pm and midnight, and in the morning starting 1 hour after midnight. Listening for bittern calls took place between 3am and 1 hour after sunrise. Recording devices were also left at each wetland for 4-6 weeks and were pre-set to record bird call for 4 hours at dusk and 2 hours before dawn. Species, number and location were recorded for wetland birds.