Annual Plan 2020/21 - Wairarapa factsheet
What Greater Wellington is doing in Wairarapa
Annual Plan 2020/21 - Wellington City factsheet
What Greater Wellington is doing in Wellington City
Appendix M: Proposed Resource Consent Conditions
This document outlines the conditions under which the resource consent would be granted, if approved.
Priority conservation actions for the Wellington region – A think-piece
Ecological monitoring and science information gathered from across the Wellington region over the past decade has been used to provide information about priority conservation actions for the region.
Author: Crisp, P
Community survey of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) in the intertidal zone of Pāuatahanui Inlet, Wellington, Nov 2019 Survey
The Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet (GOPI) and community volunteers have carried out triennial surveys of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) in Pāuatahanui Inlet, Porirua Harbour since 1992. This report summarises the results…
Officers Report for Hutt River
This document provides an analysis of the resource management issues in respect to resource consent application WGN130264 in the Hutt River.
Consent Certificate for Hutt River
This document contains the approved consent certificate for WGN130264.
Appendix K: Assessment of Proposal in Relation to Relevant Policy Statement & Plan Provisions
This document provides a planning assessment of the proposed discharge of treated wastewater from the Porirua Wastewater Treatment Plant at Rukutane Point under the requirements of clause (2)(1)(g) of the 4th…
Appendix O: Recreation Assessment
This document outlines the process in which this assessment was created.
The document:
describes the recreation values of the study area;
identifies the relative scales of recreational use of each part of the…