Ko ahau te taiao, ko te taiao, ko ahau – I am the environment, and the environment is me.
In line with Mauri Tūhono aspirations, the purpose of this fund is to sustain and restore the mauri of te taiao (the environment) and people through entwining our efforts. Learn more about this in the proposed Kaipupuri Taonga ki te Ao Whānui framework – from the Mauri Tūhono ki Te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui working group.
We share a vision with Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira of healthy ecosystems and improved community wellbeing. We’re working together to make this happen through Te Awarua-o-Porirua Community Environment Fund. The fund supports community groups to restore, maintain and protect native ecosystems.
This funding covers projects in Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and the surrounding catchment area. The zone includes Churton Park to Pukerua Bay, and inland from Pāuatahanui.
We want to help you to improve local ecosystems, waterways and the harbour, and involve the wider community in this important mahi. If you have a project in this area that fits the bill, apply to our fund for a grant.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira and Greater Wellington both value manaakitanga. This is the process of showing respect, generosity, and care for others. We expect applicants to also demonstrate this key value in all aspects of their mahi.
See what other groups have been achieving with this fund over the last year.
Get in touch
- Phone:
- 0800496734
- Email:
- info@gw.govt.nz